πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ John's Gemini capsule 🍯



πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» about me

βœ‰οΈ contact info



About this site


This is both a personal log (Gemini log) and a collection of resources for my hobbies.


If you are reading these contents via a regular web browser you are seeing an automatic translation of Gemini pages to the http (web) protocol.


Gemini is an internet protocol for transferring contents by using only limited resources and without any ads and tracking.


For Gemini you are going to need a special browser (software).


That's why you see many links beginning with gemini:.


About the Gemini protocol

Resources for using Gemini




Stuff I'm working on currently (from time to time):


ObjGTK - Objective-C (ObjFW) bindings for GObject libraries and GTK4

addr2snom - transfer Evolution contacts to a Snom based SIP phone (ObjC)

Recoll integration for Synapse launcher (Vala)



Tech information regarding…


App Development


Linux on (old) Mac machines


Packaging FLOSS


Sailing β›΅ / #forTheOcean 🌊


#forTheOcean - Environmental activists / organizations


Sailing resources


Other Travelling 🧳 / (Motor)Cycling 🏍️ 🚴


Motorcycling resources


Gemlogs and nice people


ATYH - #Christianity #SmolWeb #OpenBSD

~ Dress Up Geek Out ~ #NetBSD #Artist #Writer

Keno Goertz


Omar Polo, who wrote gmid

Solderpunk's gemlog, who invented the Gemini protocol


Many of those have Fediverse accounts as well.


External links


taz.de - German newspaper via Gemini



Posts on John's gemlog


2024-02-05 - The most perfect Linux distribution?

2023-09-13 - Sane app development

2023-08-09 - Linux on old Macs

2023-08-01 - Moved to own domain

2023-07-03 - Rezension: Ingeborg und das Meer

2023-06-05 - Let's start




The content on this site is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.