🧑‍💻🐝 John's Gemini capsule 🍯



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Sailing resources


Having the "Yacht" as a magazine, Germany has got a very prominent publishing medium. But since Germany only has a very short coast line you quickly recognize that there are mainly rich people sailing and we do not have too many people cultivating sailing as a part of the general culture.


So looking for real sailing culture you're better off to look at the Netherlands and our nordic neighbours.


Here I'm collecting resources about foreign sailing culture, provided in various languages.




English YouTube channels


Juho from Finland - Alluring Arctic Sailing

Erik Aanderaa from Norway - No Bullshit Just Sailing

Wind Hippie Sailing - Holly Martin isn't exactly nordic, but she's sailing a Bruun's Grinde full time, which qualifies

Roger Barnes - Dinghy cruising and architecture


Danish YouTube channels


Trine and Vitus from Denmark - Ayla Sailing


Best YouTube vlog episode of all times:


Spækhuggere i Kattegat, sailing a Spækhugger round Sjælland




Spækhugger sailing (German)







Kattegatcentre - a phantastic ocean aquarium, zoo and exhibition, including a corner about the journeys of Troels Kløvedal and drømmens rejse


Market squares


Boat24.com - boats you find in magazines like the "Yacht"

scanboat.com - boat offers from Scandinavia




(YouTube) German review about Peter Bruun's Spækhugger

(YouTube) German review about Peter Bruun's Grinde

(Najad Club NL) Ad for the Najad 340


Boat Logs






Signal K - Open Source Sailing data processing

No Foreign Land - Social media platform for boat owners


The content on this site is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.



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