๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ John's Gemini capsule ๐Ÿฏ



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OS108 - Desktop OS with GUI, based on NetBSD

NetBSD Wiki - Laptops that work well with NetBSD



Install a DE/GUI




Packages to install



Missing packages in pkgsrc





tmux fails to install due to problems finding curses.h as of 2023-06-15.



How to install software on SDF (eu)


Due to the unpriviliged location within the homedir one needs to compile from source (pkgsrc). The SDF machines are able to do that very quickly, but installing pkgsrc needs lots of files, space and CPU ressources. So a different approach could be to mount the SDF homedir to a local NetBSD (virtual) machine, compile there and install to the mounted homedir using the same directory tree layout.




pkgsrc.se - Search for packages

pkgsrc.joyent.com - Binary packages for different UN*X operating systems (usually unsigned, except the NetBSD packages which are signed by joyent.com, but not by NetBSD because the NetBSD project could not yet agree on a way to manage signing keys)

Set up your own pkgsrc repository



NetBSD was published on 2023-06-18.

The content on this site is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.



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